
Michael DeGrandmont

Hello my name is Michael DeGrandmont. I've been interested in graphic design and art for as long as I can remember. I really wanted to get into the field, but I felt I was limited to just graphics and advertising. I started in web design creating layouts with Myspace; where I re-designed my friends "web spaces" as well as my own for fun. When I found out about the Art Institute merging fields such as video, photography, graphic design, and art into the web field, I was sold. I've been practicing and doing as much research on where the web is going and how I can be at the front of its design.

My favorite aspects are PHP and WordPress, but I want to get some back-end development under my belt, too. I see myself as a front-end developer; however, I want to learn more about back-end development. I also do work with video editing software such as After Effects and Final Cut Pro. With the rise of Youtube I see a great promise for combining video and web interactivity.

My rabbit Maxwell

I got the idea for my personal identity from two sources. One is from my instructor Bill Mead, who tells people that when I set on a project, I take off like a rabbit. Another is my pet rabbit Maxwell (see image on right) . He is one of my best friends and this guy has gotten me through some tough times in my life. I draw a lot of inspiration from both to keep pushing forward no matter how hard the task might be. Once I set my mind to something, I see it through to the end.

Don't forget to take a look at my work and have a nice day!
- Michael DeGrandmont